Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dawn to Dusk

Park view Apartments,Noida
18th Dec 2012

 The soft rays of the sun peeps into my room ,open my eyes ,a smile on my face to greet the morning ..the quiet and calm light red in color the earth unveiled to me...suddenly the door bell calls ..the poor lad stands at my door with the milk packet ,the newspaper vendor already has thrown the newspaper to pick it up and my day starts off!!!
Sip a cup of darjeeling flavored tea with the reading of newspaper  then another call ...no this time not the door bell it is my son on google talk as he stays in USA..take the call exchange the greetings,share the whole day experience...now the another call ..my maid...welcome her with a smile ..no more tension ..now I can do some other work.I open the door of my balconies my plants swing altogether ..I stare them with a smile and watch who does need the bath et al ...morning becomes midmorning ,listening music,bathing ,cooking ...now afternoon!!!
The earth moves gradually and the sun hides behind the multistorey,birds search for their nest,the pale yellow color covers the air ...suddenly the street lights lit, the bells of temple start ringing ,the priest sings the aarti song...the whole world slips into darkness.The time to return to sweet home ...end of waiting of dear one.News , TVserials, chatting with my man ...the deep black color engulfs ...the end of the day!!
The new hope , the dawn and the next day,the new resolution!!!