
After a long gap i 'm writing .These days I's really very busy.Suvo went back to his hostel on sunday after ten days .When he comes here i don't get time for myself.Actually i want to pay my whole attention to him....from morning to night
Holi , the festival of colour was on 1st March.The celebration was nothing special to us because my husband as usual out of the city and suvo doesn't very fond of playing with color.But this time i made gujjia,and nimki in home and really i was very much satisfied with this .First of all now a days we avoid the sweets for unnecessary fat,.so home made things are not harmful .Second thing these are also economical.
Then the Women's Day came.Nothing special had happened with women.33%reservation in parliament had not been passed .Without agitation nothing would be possible in India.Now politicians will see how many votes are getting from this issue.Wait and watch .Now a days news channel one thing does that is publicity. Analysis ,public voting ,debate etc etc will start and another couple of days will be busy till another issue.That's fine na...we also pass our time.
Have a nice day friends.

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